Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What a difference OT can make...

Logan graduated from OT (Occupational Therapy) this week! I am so happy at how far he has come. I actually got emotional when I picked him up and he had his little certificate. I was surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been considering how far he has come in the last two years of his life.This is Logan a little over 2 years ago. He wouldn't let us cut his hair. His wardrobe was limited to overalls, 3 specific shirts, and either Mickey shoes or red boots. He wouldn't participate in primary. He would flip out without warning. He was obsessed with organization. Few could understand what he said, if and when he said anything at all.
This is Logan now! (Actually, this is Logan last Halloween. I'm having some trouble getting images off my card reader-something about it not going into the dock and a missing USB cord...)
Notice his nice neatly trimmed hair. He now LOVES getting his hair cut. He's actually digging the guts out of a pumpkin. He's happy, more flexible, and most people can understand most of what he says. He is sleeping through the night, and rarely has night terrors anymore. He sings in Primary, (his favorite song is "I Hope They Call Me On a Mission"), and has even been caught raising his hand to participate. His room looks like a bomb hit it and he can still sleep in it. (Which is not my favorite result, but all things in perspective, right?)

He's come such a long way, and still has some little quirks about him, but he is truly our miracle boy! I am so grateful for therapy and modern medicine.

Thanks for all your prayers in his behalf. They have truly helped, as you can plainly see.

Goodbye, Little Red Boots!

1 comment:

Dad said...

It is indeed a miracle! You have all worked hard (and still are) and I am so proud of you. Way to go, Logan! You are a graduate!
