Friday, June 26, 2009

I've Switched!

I'm moving my blog to WordPress: ( I just like it about a thousand times better, so sorry for the inconvenience to all of you who faithfully follow my blog. (yes, all three of you.) I will be reposting some of my "greatest moments" from this blog over there, so watch for them! Oh, and I just posted the Midnight Sun, so check it out, check-it-outers.

1 comment:

AJ Esposito said...

Resolve what stands between you and your loved one. Start a conversation with AJE Love your photos and your love of wildlife. You're in the paradise of all wildlife too. And keep writing! Love your line about (paraphrasing) "there are no new ideas. It's how well you write it." Make it original, right?! Wise, very wise. Best, Anthony