Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Boy!

A week ago Saturday Logan turned 7! Wow! I can hardly believe it. I don't think I'll ever get through a birthday of his without reflecting on how far he has come. The miracle that is Logan will likely be known only to a few, but can you believe this kid used to not be able to talk? Used to withdraw so completely that I worried he'd never come back? That "Autism" and "Aspbergers" were household terms being thrown around with too much reality for comfort? I thank God for miracles; I thank God for Logan.

We went to the Sea Life Center, and thought about all our missionaries...a lot. We've had some good times there with Gma and Gpa and Uncle Tyler. When we told the kids we wanted to go to Seward, Logan asked if we were going to take a boat ride. Alas, a boat ride wasn't in the plan, but a trip to the Sea Life Center was! I have a million pictures of all my kids there, but here's a few more, including some of Elle (first time caring even a little bit being there!)

The obligatory pictures with the congenial harbor seals

And more.

Couldn't keep Sarah away from them!

Or Rebecca.

Logan, however couldn't be bothered long...

...he just wanted to play with the wooden boat the whole time!

Dinner, anyone? Too bad Logan insisted on...
...Red Robin instead of Chair 5 Pizza!
This is what he did the entire time the crew was singing, "Happy Birthday". Oh, well. I didn't make him a cake (my arms don't work; don't judge!) so have at it, kid! He insisted on Christmas wrapping paper and LOVED his presents. Think he likes Webkinz? He asked for, and recieved, two lil' Kinz lioness Webkinz so that his boy lion (Wily) and lioness (Cheezy) could have babies. They are married, by the way. It was a lovely ceremony. (He's got four sisters! It was the wedding of the century!)
Happy Birthday, Boy! You're da Man!

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Happy B-day from uncle Jessie,