Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Of Psychological Damage and Repair

Bicycle repair, that is.

Today was a big day. Dale rode his newly repaired bicycle to work today! Yes, the same bike I was riding when my helmet got cracked like the shell on a hard boiled egg. (I get to go to Logan and Sarah's health classes this week and talk about the accident. I'm seriously considering an object lesson involving eggs and one of Logan's Chevron cars...Stay posted for pics and how it went!) Dale was beyond ready to start riding again; I was more on the worry-wart-wife side, which is not really like me, normally. However, as much as I would like to forbid him from ever riding again, I settled with making him take out a life insurance policy and double checking his safety gear like he's in kindergarten or something. He kept the eye-rolling to a minimum out of respect for my manic ways. (How noble of him!)

He rode hard, staying off the main roads as much as practical, and reported when he made his mandatory "I-made-it-safely" call that he is completely out of shape. He'll get there fast, though. As far as me being okay with this? I have to admit it wasn't as hard as I thought, although I must confess it was in the back of my head the whole time.

I was driving my kids to school this morning, just hopin' and praying Dale didn't get run over by a car.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great object lesson - what a good idea!

McCallisters said...

Thanks the for birthday call and card. Only one problem, big sister. You keep saying that I am the big 3-0. YOU are the one who is 30. I turned 29. Aren't you glad that you are a year younger than you thought?