Saturday, August 30, 2008


I just have to say that this world is so depressing sometimes. I just read a friend's blog who had a link to mine, only she mispelled it by accident. Turns out that if you enter in my blog address wrong you get to an anti-christian blog with 1 post (from 2006) and about a hundred really bad (and uncreative, I might add) words and even worse philosophies. Thanks for ruining my cool blog name, idiot blog author. Oh, well. If any of you have accidentally typed in my blog address incorrectly, I apologize. For the record, I believe in Jesus Christ.


Princess Hairstyles said...

I just left you a comment on your last post, came back and you had a new entry. We must be blogging at the same time. I'm glad you're still a believer. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know where to find you... your reputation is still safe with me.