Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Healing!

...and I've never felt worse in my life.

***If this is your first time tuning into the "Run Over by a Car" saga, start on July 22 (see archives) and work your way up!***

It's been awhile since I've worked on this story, but things kept happening in the last couple of weeks. (Next post will probably be back to the hospital.) For instance, I'm starting to heal, so the doctors assume I don't need anymore pain medicine. I've really been trying to stretch out my last prescription, and it's not really that fun. I am not allowed to take ibuprofen because of my spleen injury, so it's just me and my Tylenol every 4 hours. Turns out that without any narcotic element it isn't nearly as effective. Oh, well, another 2-3 months and I'll be good as new, right? grrrrr.

People keep asking me if I'm bored out of my mind, and right up until my prescription ran out the answer was always "no", because I spent a lot of my mornings on the computer and watching "Match Game 76" on GSN until Dale came home for lunch, and much of the afternoon snoozing in my armchair and ignoring the telephone until the fambly got home at 6:30 or so. I no longer sleep my day away, and the computer and TV are getting a little old, so if you were to ask me today, the answer would be "yes". Of course, if I answered "yes" said people would probably start throwing out suggestions of ways to fill my time, like reading. Too bad I've already read everything in my house I have an interest in at least five times and am, like, the world's fastest reader so I would literally read (take ten points if you got the redunduncy) about 1000 pages (no exageration) during the time I am here alone. I could read the entire entire Harry Potter series (again), but it's just not as awesome when you have books 1-5 memorized, and besides, do I really want to mix pleasure with pain? That must be why I have a hard time reading while on bed rest. I have been reading the Book of Mormon, though, and that's been awesome. So maybe its just that I need an awesome read. Suggestions are welcome! I like young adult fiction the best, but I don't want to read anything crude, lewd, or deep. I've had quite enough personal experience with philosophy in the last six weeks...I don't need to add to it with someone else's life dilemas!

Of course, the other question I get is, "Are you writing?" Have you been reading? Of course I have been writing. Blogging, anyway. Plus, I sent an email to Schwinn (maker of my helmet) thanking them for saving my life, and they are going to send me a new helmet! Yippee! My first compensated piece of work! Not quite as good as getting published, but still. A free helmet is a free helmet. (Thanks, Schwinn!) My "real" writing is stored on the upstairs computer and I haven't gotten around to moving it to my new laptop. Plus, I'm a big fat chicken so I am taking a literal break. (Again, ten points if you got it!)

Another side effect of "getting better" is that I've been having my kids home for the morning for the last few days. They all have been going to the babysitters all day, but then on Thurs. and Fri. of last week I ended up keeping them till lunch, because lets face it, I miss them. Most of the kids will return to the sitter again today, (Mon. afternoon) until school starts (Wed. morning), but one or two of them really want to be home. OK, one of them can be really swayed (LILY!) but my sunshine (Sarah) wants to hang with me. The baby, of course, will have to be with the sitter. I can't lift her yet without having screaming pain in my chest and collar bones. yucky.

The worst part of "getting better" is that I really want to "be better". I keep (foolishly) trying to get up and do things, like I thought it would be fun to take the family to the swimming pool because I figured that the water would feel really good on my muscles and bones, or at least wouldn't ADD to any discomfort. However, it didn't work out because when I put my suit on it squished all my bones and muscles together, and it did not feel good. That was fairly depressing. Then I spent the day in Palmer with a friend, which was great, except she doesn't have an armchair, and so my arms were dangling all day. I came home uber-sore. Gravitiy stinks, don't it?

I was super worried that I was going to fracture my elbow, and spent the next 3.342 seconds being run over by a car.

p.s. When Dale injured his elbow, HIS doctor gave him more narcotic meds (by like, four times) then MINE. How does that work out?


McCallisters said...

I only got ten points. I don't get the literal chicken bit. Sandra Boynton book?

Anyway, why are you going back to the hospital? I am sorry that you are still so sore and I hope that nothing worse is in the works.

Princess Hairstyles said...

I love your writing! Very entertaining. If nothing else, you got some good blog material out of this.

That really stinks that you're still in pain and almost out of a prescription. I hope it starts getting better for ya.

Linsie said...

Silly Jane. I didn't mean literally back to the hospital. I guess it probably sounded that way. I meant I'm going to BLOG about the rest of the hospital. The pain is getting better...gradually...eee...

Susannah said...

Congrats on the helmet, but sorry to hear you don't have enough pain meds. You are one of the best writers. I love to read your blog and get bleny (Blog envy) because I don't write nearly as well. Love ya

Amanda said...

If you are looking for good books to read there are lots of book blogs out there with good ideas. is always an interesting place to start.