Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin

I feel obligated, as part of the 80% approval rating of our beloved Govenor, to say congratulations to Sarah Palin on her nomination to the Vice Presidential office. I could drone on for hours about why I like her, but I'll spare you the agony. Just know the following, from personal experience:

1. She is the real deal.
2. She is Smart!
3. She knows a lot about key issues: Energy, Economics, Ethics
4. She is Pro-Life and Pro-Family
5. She has to deal with a totally diversified state full of radical (yet uber conservative) independent Alaskans, with a wider demographic then most people assume. She governs the largest land-mass state in the union, which really could be divided into five very large states. Bush districts (tiny villages, some of which have no indoor plumbing), Fairbanks area, South Central (including Wassilla and Anchorage), Kenai Penisula, (AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL!) and South East (including Juneau.) All of these areas have their own views, and yet she has 80%, and has been as high as 90%, approval rating. That's impressive, trust me.
6. 20% dissaprove of her. Besides my liberal neighbors in Anchorage (which there are a few), the remaining 18% think she's not conservative enough. Welcome to Alaska.
7. She is very personal. My hubby and his bro met her at a fundraiser in our neighborhood when she was running for govenor. My friend had an issue with her teaching contract, and within 2 days she received an email back from her.
8. Many conservative and republican geniouses (I'm talking to you, Jane) thought she would be the best choice without knowing she was even on the short list.
9. She is a great politician. Check out our local KTUU news to hear her amazing speech and see her biography. There is also a fun piece about her parents finding out about it while they were supposed to be caribou hunting.

Shoot. I guess I did start to babble on. Oh, well. I just love my govenor, and think you should know it!


McCallisters said...

I want to get a button to wear that says, "Sarah Palin for Vice President!"

Linsie said...

I'll have to send you one! Or, how about a "Go, Sarah, Go!" bumper sticker?

McCallisters said...

I don't do bumper stickers. But I do do buttons.

Becca said...

got any t-shirts :) I would wear a t-shirt to go along with those buttons :)