This is what I looked like by the end of the day, believe me!
This is an extremely long post, and I'm not offended if you don't read the whole thing. My whole point in writing this is so that someday I can look back and remember what it's like to be me. So here it is, My Life on Thursday, March 6, 2008. (If you scroll down a LONG way you can get to my post from yesterday--the one about Logan's talk.)
It all started with Dale scheduling Rebecca for some testing (we're trying to figure out the best way for her to learn) at 9:30. Logan has speech from 9:15-10:00 am. Sarah has school at 9:00. The plan was to drop Sarah off at school at 8:50, drive to Dimond and drop Logan off at 9:10, and then RUSH (on slippery streets, I might add--it's break up and the snow run-off on the road was nice and slick after over-night lows) from Dimond to 4th and I (those familiar with Anchorage will know how I was pretty much doomed from "go" to make it to my downtown appointment on time. But hey, I didn't do the scheduling!)
Everything was going according to schedule, sort of. The baby was clean, fed, changed and buckled in her car seat. All the kids were ready for school, complete with shoes, socks, notes, and backpacks full of their gear. (Snowpants, hat, gloves, boots) We were ready to walk out the door at
8:45 when Cinder-Lily had to go to the restroom. Then Logan left the door hanging open and the dog ran out the front door. By the time I got Olive back into the van (It's not too hard if you can keep the kids from "helping" you by chasing her around the neighborhood!) and Lily buckled in her seat, I hear an announcement, "I think I have low blood sugar!" With a "Nobody move out of your seat belts or else!" hissed by your's truly, Sarah and I were back in the house to test her sugar level. It was 43. Drink a juice, quick! Call Dale to Call Nurse Jeff and tell him she has low blood sugar, she's treated with juice, and needs to follow up with crackers first thing. Oh, yeah, and tell him that I'll bring in her lunch when I bring in Logan because we're out of bread and I'm out of time. Hang up phone and run back to the van (without slipping on the ice, I might add). Say a quick prayer for speed and safety, and we're on our way, on black ice, at....GRRR!!!
9:02."Bye, Sarah, go straight to Nurse Jeff's, see you after school, love you, bye!"
9:10.2 missed green lights (it's not worth dying for, after all), the long kind that take several minutes. Arrive (finally!) to therapy--
9:22. Drop of Logan, Run!
Going downtown, baby is still sleeping (phew!) Lily is shrieking, "I need a tissue!" A quick look behind me reveals her entire face covered in dark green slime. Nothing I can do about it yet, i have to drive. Arrive at Fuller Diagnostics. Get everyone out of the car. Walk up the steep sidewalk halfway. Realize I left Rebecca's paperwork in the car. Walk down the steep sidewalk halfway, hauling a baby carrier on one arm and holding a sticky/slimy hand with the other. Grab the paperwork. Walk up the sidewalk into the elevator. "I have to use the bathroom!" This time it's Rebecca, and she's dancing. Hurry, Rebecca! Lily, do you need to go? No. Send Rebecca into the bathroom. Set the baby on the floor, dig out a wipe, and find Lily's face somewhere under a film of mucous. Answer the cell-phone. Tell Rebecca's teacher I will pick up her questionaire at school, since she was out sick the entire previous week. Hang up phone. Open bathroom door and tell Rebecca to hurry. Rebecca arrives, hands dripping, no time to care! At least she washed. Grab the baby carrier on one arm and a slightly less slimey hand with the other hand and hustle to the appointment. Stop at the giant map on the wall to point out Alaska.
9:45, and they're not quite ready for Rebecca. Pray the baby doesn't wake up, call Dale to call All For Kids and tell them I will be late to pick up Logan. They're ready for Rebecca, be back a few minutes before 12:00 to take her to lunch.
9:55.Walk into the hall. Stop at the giant map on the wall and point out Alaska. "I need to use the bathroom!" I look, but there's no dancing. I'll have to risk it. Hurry down the elevator, grab the same little hand, but switch arms with the carrier and walk down the steep sidewalk. Buckle Lily, throw the baby in her car-seat, (She better not be stirring!) and jump into the van. A quick prayer for speed and safety, and we're off to go get Logan.
10:02.Arrive at All For Kids in record time.
10:20, and he's ready. Get him loaded in the van. Quick prayer for speed and safety. Call Dale to ask him to call the school and find out when he eats lunch at school, while heading for McDonalds, the only fast food he will eat. Order a Happy Meal. Sorry, we're still on our breakfast menu.
10:24. Pull through, a nswer cell phone. Logan eats at 11:oo, and would I be so kind to bring Dale some lunch, too, since he left in too big of a hurry to pack something? Subway sounds pretty good.
Drive to the nearest Subway, which thankfully is nearby a McDonalds. Buy Dale a Melt on monterrey cheddar bread, toasted, light on the mayo, heavy on the mustard, extra banana peppers. A kids meal with tuna for Sarah, a baggie of apples, and some chocolate milk. "Do you have a nutritional guide?" Accept a tiny card that lists calories and fat. Request the one with carbs. Am told to look for a brochure in a holder attached to the giant sign, they might have one. Finally find the last one. It's a little crumpled, but it's got the carb counts! Get back in van. Drive to McDonald's,
10:37.Pull into drive through. "Welcome to McDonald's! Just letting you know I am on my lunch menu" Hallelujah! Order a Happy Meal with chicken nuggets and chocolate milk for Logan. Drive to the school, listening to shrieks of, "I'm hungry! I'm starving! I'm hungry! MaMA! I'm HUNGRY!" from the princess behind me. Park the car. Unbuckle Lily, and yank her out of the car. No coat needed, it's 40 degrees and you have long sleeves. Holler at Logan to shut the door while shoving a Happy Meal at him. Grab the baby's car seat and Sarah's lunch and head into the school.
10:59, and his class is just lining up at the cafeteria. "I'll sign you in, you go join your class!" Sign him in. Go to Nurse Jeff's office and drop off her lunch and nutritional guide.
Go back out to the car. Put the car seat in. Buckle up Lily. Notice the fragrance of mustard coming suspicioulsy from the front seat. Scold the dog for eating Dale's sandwich. Answer the cell phone. "I'm starving!! I can't wait to eat my sandwich. Have you dropped Logan off yet?" I'm on the way. Give me about 15 minutes. Snap! Forgot to give Rebecca's teacher the survey. Her teacher's pulling out of the parking lot...Wait, she see's me. Here you go, I'll pick it up this afternoon after tutoring. Quick prayer for speed and safety.
Head to the Subway closest to Dale's work. Buy Dale a Melt on monterrey cheddar bread, toasted, light on the mayo, heavy on the mustard, extra banana peppers. And two cookies, the princess is still shrieking because she's hungry. Answer the cell phone. Yes, I'm on the way. Get back in the car. Glare at the dog. Arrive at Dale's office to drop off lunch. You're welcome.
11:30.Head downtown. Park at Fuller's Diagnostics. Notice that Lily is sleeping and the baby is stirring. Put the dog on her leash and let her do her business. Put her back in the car. Get the baby out and wake up Lily. Walk up the steep sidewalk with a baby carrier on one arm and holding a sticky cookie hand with the other. Go up the elevator. "I have to go to the bathroom!" I look. This time there's dancing. Take her to the potty. Rock the baby with one foot while digging out a wet wipe to clean Lily's face. Tell Lily to hurry. Help her wash her hands and dry them. Walk down the hall, stopping at the giant map to point out Alaska. Go into Fuller's Diagnostics. "Rebecca will be ready in about 15 minutes."
12:00.Feed the crying baby. Read Lily a story and just get settled in. Rebecca's done.
12:03. "She'll need to be back in about 45 minutes," eyes the baby, and adds, "take an hour if you need it." Finish feeding the baby. Put her back in her car seat. Walk down the hall, stopping to point out Alaska on the giant map on the wall. "I have to go to the bathroom, Mom!" This time it's Rebecca, and she's dancing. Wait for her in the hall. Hurry, Rebecca! Comes out with dripping hands. Take the elevator downstairs. Walk down the steep hill to the van. Put in the baby's car seat. Wrestle Lily into hers, while taking a phone call from Dale. "I don't know, I haven't talked to her yet, I'll let you know how the testing is going when I know. You're welcome for the sandwich, I'm thrilled it tasted so good." Glare at the dog. Say a quick prayer for speed and safety.
Drive to the nearest McDonald's to find Spiderwick toys. Remember why I don't live in Mnt. View as I pull up to the drive-thru. Decide the line is too long. Go in and get 2 Happy Meals with chocolate milk and a number 6 grilled with a rootbeer. Wish I hadn't been so hasty giving up Dr. Pepper. Hand out Happy Meals. Say a quick prayer over the food and for speed and safety. Tell Rebecca and Lily to scarf they're meals on the way back to Fuller Diagnostics.
12:45.Arrive at Fuller's. Park the car. Let the girls work on their chicken McNuggets while I give the dog a walk. Put the dog back in the car. Get the carrier out of the van. Unbuckle Lily and tell Rebecca to close the door behind her. Walk up the steep hill and remind myself I only have to hike it one more time. Ride the elevator. Stop at the giant map on the wall to point out Alaska. Drop off Rebecca. "They'll be ready for her in a few minutes".
12:55.Read a story, feed the baby for the second time, watch Rebecca prepare a bunch of toy animals for battle. "We're ready for you now! You can come pick her up at about 3:00, maybe 3:15." Pick up the carrier, grab Lily's hand. Stop in the hallway to point out Alaska on the giant map on the wall. "I have to go to the bathroom!" Plop Lily on the toilet. Wait a few minutes for something to happen. She's finally done. Wipe, wash, dry, go! Ride the elevator down. Walk down the hill. Buckle Lily and the baby.
1:12.Quick prayer for speed and safety. Drive to Frames, Etc. to buy a Webkins for Kerrigan's baptism. Find a pug, drop ten bucks on the counter, hop back in the van.
1:30. Drive to Wal-Mart. Get Lily and the baby out of the car seat. Walk a half a mile around a huge lake in the middle of the parking lot. Pray it's actually break-up and not fake-up so we don't have to deal with the slop again later. Go into Wal-Mart. Try to manipulate Lily in to riding in the cart. Fail to get Lily into the cart and somehow agree to let her push the cart. Buy green balloons for YW dance on Saturday. Price cups and tablecloths. Wander around Wal-Mart ignoring the candy aisle. Wish I hadn't been so hasty giving up Dr. Pepper. See a game on clearance I want to buy. Decide I don't need it. Wait in line at the check-out. Smile in triumph when Lily doesn't demand candy. Look around for Lily. Find her playing with fuzzy pens on one of the end caps. Buy my balloons that somehow cost $28.34 for three bags. Walk a half a mile around the huge lake in the parking lot and get everybody loaded up.
Drive back to Fuller's. Walk up the steepest hill in Anchorage for the millionth time. Wish I would've been doing some weight lifting and conditioning to prepare to haul a heavy car seat and a pulling 3 year old up this hill. Ride the elevator. Ask Lily if she needs to use the bathroom. Help her use the potty. Point out Alaska on the giant map on the wall. Go into Fuller's. Feed the baby and wait for Rebecca. 2:50.
Rebecca arrives. Give her a love and ask her how it went. Told the receptionist that we would be in touch about scheduling her follow-up, I've got to run. Leave the office. Point out Alaska on the giant map while listening to a barrage of what Rebecca did during testing. Notice she's dancing. Stop at the restroom. Tell Rebecca to HURRY! Ride the elevator down to the lobby. Walk down the hill and load everybody up. 3:12
Quick prayer for speed and safety. Hustle in traffic to the elementary school. Drop Rebecca off for tutoring and pick up Logan and Sarah from school, 3:35.
Head toward home. Unload the family. Test Sarah's blood sugar, it's 183. (yes!) Give her a unit of insulin to cover a snack. Tell the kids they can have a granola bar. Finish feeding the baby. Call Dale to tell him he's on his own to get to and from his class because we have a baptism. Answer the other line. Tell Jessica I will look for Bare Books for the baptism. Finish feeding the baby. Frantically search my room and rack my brain for where I put all my extra bare books. Look at the clock. Yell at everyone to get into the van. 4:25
Quick prayer for speed and safety. Arrive at the school. Tell the kids to stay in their seatbelts OR ELSE. Go get Rebecca from tutoring. Listen to her teacher explain exactly why she didn't get the form filled out. Tell her I will pick it up another day. Take Rebecca back to the van. Scold Sarah for being in the front seat. 4:32.
Arrive at home. Quickly continue my search for Bare Books. Fail to find what I'm looking for. Call Jessica and offer a lame substitute. Load my Bare Board Books into a backpack. Tell everybody to get ready for the baptism, including shoes and going to the bathroom. Feed the baby. Throw on a dress. Get everyone loaded into the van. We're on schedule, it's 6:40. Wait for Sarah to run into the house and get her kit. Wait for Rebecca to run in the house to go to the bathroom. Glare at the clock. Quick prayer for speed and safety. 6:51.
Make it to the church in record time by hitting every green light, including the long green arrow off of Northern Lights to Mapelwood. Arrive at the church, issuing dire warnings about being reverent. Pile into the chapel. 6:58.
Offer my books to Jessica. Try to get everyone settled down and reverant before the baptism. Glance at the baby, who's smiling. Say hello to a friend I haven't seen in awhile. Try to listen to the service and keep my 5 kids quiet. Give up on listening. Watch the other ward's kids file out to be baptized. Try to keep my kids reverent. Glance at the baby, she's starting to fuss. Follow the crowd to the baptismal service for our ward. Try to keep the baby from shrieking. Leave the font area so I don't disturb the baptisms. Get the baby calm. Lean over far enough to see Kerrigan get dunked. Escape down the hall with my fussy baby and pray my kids are reverent for Robbie's baptism. File back into the chapel, this time with a couple of extra Beagley kids. Give up on making 7 kids be reverent and concentrate on keeping the 3 year olds out of the baby's face. Watch the freshly baptized Kerrigan and Robbie arrive. Start to listen to an amazing talk by Jessica. Take the fussing baby out of the chapel as Jessica puts on her giant ear. Thank my lucky stars that I've heard this talk before. Wait for the closing song. Congratulate Kerrigan and Robbie. Let Rebecca give Kerrigan her Webkin. Notice my kids are running wild. Full out yell at them to sit against the wall, because I'M DONE!! Help Jessica get some pictures taken. Load everyone in the van. Forget the prayer for speed and safety. Yell at the kids for not being reverent. Hit every red light on the way home. Pull up the driveway and notice Dale's bike in the driveway. Hallelujah! Grab the baby out of the van, go up the stairs gingerly so I don't slip on the forming ice, and holler at Dale that I'm off duty, the kids haven't eaten dinner, I'm feeding the baby, I love you, goodbye! Retreat to my room for the night. 9:07. Dale enters and tells me Elliotte has a doctors appointment at 9:30 tomorrow. I groan and remember the kids don't have school and Sarah pointed out they have 12 days off in a row, counting the weekends. Thanks Sarah.
Friday morning, 8:17...