Monday, March 3, 2008

Me from A-Z

A: Attached or single: Stuck like glue. Forever!
B: Best Friend: Dale-bert or Olive, depending on who's around.
C: Cake or Pie: Pie. Banana Cream. Or Dad's b-day cake...I love that one!
D: Day of Choice: I love Wednesday. I have no idea why. I just always have. (Maybe I should have said "Sunday" to appear more spiritual....)
E: Essential Item: T.V. remote.
F: Favorite Color: Orange. It makes me feel happy like yellow, only minus the feeling that the sun vomited all over everything. Yellow kind of gives me a headache, too. Maybe because it's so light and bright? (What does that say about me?)
G: Gummi Bears or Worms: Worms. You can slurp them down your throat.
H: Hometown: Up until 2002, I spent half my life in Cedar City and half in Utah County. If someone asks where I'm from, I say the prettiest part of Utah, but I really feel like an Alaskan now.
I: Indulgence(s): Candy, candy, candy! Staying up late finishing a good book. Staying up all night to play games with my highly competitive and hilarious husband. (I always win, though.)
J: January or July: Gosh. I love the winter, and January is usually awesome here because it's starting to get light again, but I love the summer's here cause there is so much light and it doesn't get too hot. I'll go with January because I feel like I have to answer the question. And there are no mosquitoes at that time of year.
K: Kids: Sarah Sunshine, Rebecca Joy, Logan the MAN, Cinder-Lily, and Elliotte the amazing baby halibut.
L: Life is incomplete without: Family, writing, email, and candy.
M: Marriage Date: April 3, 1998
N: Number of Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters and a bunch of in-laws-- most of whom I will gladly claim. ;)
O: Oranges or Apples: Apples-little red delicious school-boys or golden delicious, green if I want them crisp, soft if I want to remember Grandma's house.
P: Phobias or Fears: Crickets!! They are so jumpy. And ugly. You can track other critters, but those crickets dissapear on you and just chirp and chirp. You never know where it's coming from! (Still haven't ever read "A Cricket in Time Square.") I also am afraid to answer the phone if I don't know who is on the other line or if I'm not fairly sure of how a conversation is going to go.
Q: Quote(s): Lately it's, "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." favorite from a book, for fun, "Twitchy little ferret aren't you, Malfoy!"
R: Reason To Smile: I live on top of the world in more ways than one.
S: Season: Winter. Least favorite: Spring. It lasts for 2 weeks and it's sloppy and dirty and dangerous.
T: Tag Four: Jane and Becca and Jessica and Katie
U: Unknown Fact about Me: I can do really cool eye tricks. I make the world's best cream of broccoli soup.
V: Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Bring on the beef! And Pork! And Lamb!
W: Worst Habit: It used to be Dr. Pepper, but I quit. Ummm....I'm still in denial about my sugar addiction, so I'll say starting a project (or sentence, or topic) and shifting gears without warning or completion.
X: X-Rays or Ultrasounds: First tell me where, and then I can answer.
Y: Your Favorite Food: Food.
Z: Zodiac: Gemini


McCallisters said...

I like your Harry Potter quote. Book 4 was awesome. Are you ever depressed that it is all over?

Linsie said...

All the time. I really wanted to hear more about Dumbledore's personal life! (not!) I tried to take my time with book 7, and I guess I did since it took me 2 days to finish instead of half a day! ;)