Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How was the dance?

The dance was awesome!! Sorry about the delay on the update; my card reader was acting up. It's working now, though, so either it's broken sometimes or I am.

Anyway, the dance. We had 94 youth from our stake show up. The highest attendance ever was 97 youth, and that was a bi-stake dance! People must have known the Campbell Park ward was in charge and told all their friends! ;)

Refreshments included Lucky Charms, green suckers, homemade marshmallows, (green of course), rainbow punch, and crackers and green cream cheese. The favorite were the crackers and cheese. Those daring enough to try the marshmallows seemed to like them a lot!

The decorations were awesome. I didn't get great pictures, but the YM/YW made an awesome crepe paper rainbow over the refreshments table. There were shamrocks and green everywhere. Abby had the great idea to hang butcher paper on the wall so everyone could sign it. It was awesome! Everyone had a great time. Except the beehives; they had to stay home. :(

Here are some pics--there are more on !Quack Attack!--or will be as soon as I get them uploaded!