Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Break is OVER! (let March "madness" begin)

Well, Spring "Break" is over, thank goodness. 3 of the Butikofers had a nasty cold. Lily and Elliotte both required medical attention, while Mom laid in bed praying that the the remaining four Butikofers didn't completely ruin the house. Alas, now that I'm not as sick anymore, I'm looking around my house wondering who set off a bomb in my living room and where did I get all this STUFF? I'm proud to say, however, that my shelf that I organized 2 months ago and vowed to keep in order is still in good shape. Next step: The Kitchen.

The other 3 kids had a better time than Mom. They got to go over to the Beagley's on Friday. Who is the genious that planned Spring Break in Alaska for the second week in March? Here's what our neighborhood Alaskan's had to resort to in order to enjoy the "warm" weather:
Kamryn, Kerrigan, and Sarah playing Chinese Jump-rope

Yes, they are playing Chinese jump-rope on the second warmest day of Spring Break in full out snow gear on a patch of grass they probably had to clear themselves. Nice.

This was Logan's favorite part of the vacation: Clearing off 4 inches of ice/slush/snow off the Beagley's driveway. (Both these pics were from Jessica, by the way.) He loves to get every speck cleared. By the end of the afternoon, he got it done. It helps to have a crew of 6. It reminds me of when I was in Wal-Mart one April afternoon and saw snow shovels on sale for $1.78. I bought 6 of them. A guy in the checkout line asked me what I was going to do with all those snow shovels since there was hardly any snow left. "Shovel my driveway, of course," I said. "You must have a pretty big driveway!" he countered. "Nope," I said, "I just have a lot of kids!" Turns out I should've bought a few more...

Kerrigan, Kamryn, Sarah, Logan, Karsen, and Rebecca clear off a place to play during their break

Now that the kids go back to school tomorrow (hurray!), and literal Alaskan blizzards have come to end, (we hope) March Madness can start. (this is the fun kid of madness, the kind that doesn't make me go, "hmmm. Summer is in 2 months. How can I plan my life so that I don't go crazy this summer?) I am going to win the whole tournament this year, and we finally got a Dairy Queen in Anchorage, so ya'll better be prepared to pay up! I like my Blizzards Butterfinger style, just so you're prepared!


McCallisters said...

At least the snow is melting. Speaking of Blizzards, I intend to win, so you might as well not get your hopes up about visiting your new DQ. And by the way, Chinese jumprope is, like, the funnest game! Remember we used to play all the time, but no one would play with us so we'd have to use a chair as the third person. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures your stealer robber!!!

Becca said...

we don't have dq here, so when you all come to pay up we'll have to go to JO JO's for shave ice...

I hope we survive our spring break...we have 2 weeks of fun ahead. Thankfully we have company coming in for half of it! Thanks Keith and Cindy, we will be forever indebted to you!!!!