Sunday, January 6, 2008


Dale's Grandfather has passed away, so to honor him, I have posted some pictures of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He had 5 daughters and 12 grandchildren. Dale spent a lot of time with him in his truck hauling loads to Nevada, and can't wait to get back to Idaho to crawl through the old cab. It still has a load of wood on it, waiting to be delivered.
Besides passing through memory lane, Dale is excited that he will get to see Tyler, Danitra, and Jessie. He hasn't seen Jessie for 5 years, and keeps hopin' and prayin' that he and his family will get stationed up here at Elmendorf Airforce Base.
Every time Dale, and I would visit Grandpa Shneiter's house, Dale would pull out the old marble run for the kids (okay, for DALE!) to play with. It was a simple setup--a few pieces of angled wood and a basic tray at the bottom that couldn't seem to hold any marbles! As the rest of the adults in the room tried to hold a conversation, we would hear Dale background showing little Sarah how to load up the run just right. On your marks. Get Set. GO!! Down they would rattle, back and forth in a rickety racket, out of the tray and all over the floor! I'm not sure who was grinning more widely: Sarah, Dale, or good ol' Grandpa. We never could leave that house without a box of Idaho potatoes caked in dirt and a twenty-dollar bill. But that was Grandpa: Fun, cash, and a box of potatoes.


McCallisters said...

We're so sorry about Dale's Grandfather's passing. Nice tribute by sharing memories of him and his legacy.

Becca said...

good job Lins, oh I had to double take the window with snow. It's not a common sight here... ;)